
I am a Yoga & Pilates Teacher, Wellness Coach and self-proclaimed HabitGuru.
I offer Live and Online Classes, Workshops and Courses that are Seasonal Celebrations. Each season brings with it an opportunity to re-assess and re-align our habits and goals.
Living & Loving Life – Habit by Habit, Season by Season.
Working in Harmony
The low light of Fall, the cold of Winter, the energy of Spring and the heat of Summer all provide unique opportunities AND challenges.
As we align our habits and routines, such as what we eat and how we exercise, with the Seasons, we work in harmony with nature finding MORE balance and LESS overwhelm.
I Believe…

We are all creatures of habit

That tweaking our habits can make us healthier and happier

That we can DESIGN the next stage of our lives to meet all of our goals

That today is the start of a new journey

Ayurveda and Seasonal Habits
In my first year of university, and for the next couple of Fall Seasons I would end up at the Doctor’s office each Thanksgiving break.
I would complain to my Doctor that I was exhausted, that I felt down and lacked motivation to do anything.
Blood work would be done, suggestions would be made around vitamins, slowing down a little etc. etc. but it wasn’t until I stumbled across an article in a magazine that my life changed.
This article described me to a tee……….
Yes, everything a student may be feeling but it was just not me.
What I found out was that I was hugely sensitive to the drop in the light that happens in the Fall season.
This drop of light adversely affects our “feel good” neurotransmitter Serotonin.
I promptly purchased a SAD ( Seasonal Affective Disorder) light, added a daily walk in the sunshine and a yoga and meditation practice and I have never looked back.
These simple additions to my daily routine got me so excited that I started to read more about Ayurveda, Habits, and our Body Clocks and how all of this related to our energy, vitality, moods, sleep and ultimately our happiness.
I became a bit of a HabitGuru to anyone who would listen.
Over the past 25 years I have been teaching classes and doing workshops on how a daily routine can enhance our lives.
I have now combined all of these classes and workshops in to 3 Seasonal Celebratory Online Courses brought to you in the Fall, Winter and Spring/Summer!
Who I am
Everything we do is linked to the seasons so, very early on, I felt this deep connection between my habits and routines and my well being. I am the mom of two teenage boys, married to my childhood sweetheart and love camping, cottaging, fishing, barbecuing and country music.
Now to my day job…..I have a Degree in Physical and Health Education from Queen’s University and a Master’s Degree in Sports Administration.

Healthy living has always been my passion as well as teaching and sharing all that I have learned personally and professionally through my Studio Classes, Workshops and Courses and Private Client work. I have also had the benefit of gaining wisdom and knowledge from the many wise women and men I have had the privilege to work with over the years.
I am so grateful for the opportunity to share my knowledge, tips and techniques with you whether you are participating in one of my studio classes, reading one of my online offerings, participating in my facebook groups or taking one of my online courses.
Let’s do this together

In Studio Classes
Click below for the Schedulicity website, where you can see class options and schedules and register for a class at YoGart (Amber’s Previous Location) in New Liskeard.
Updated classes coming soon!
Online Courses & Workshops
- Relaxation Flow Yoga (8:30a.m. Monday Mornings)
- Yoga & Pilates Strength Flow (8:30am Wednesday Mornings)
- 2023 VIP Fit, Fearless and Fabulous Winter Experience
- HabitThrive Podcast & Habit Thrivers Club

In-Studio or Online Private Coaching
Email to book a FREE 15-minute consultation call to discuss your goals, hopes and dreams around your wellness.
Do you ever wonder why some people seem happier than others? What is their secret?
Well, there really isn’t a secret – it really is being aware of our own tendencies and habits and knowing that we have the ability to add, delete or change any habit, tendency or routine that isn’t contributing to our happiness. The amazing thing is that is doesn’t take a lot of resources, time or energy.
It is about increasing our awareness of where we are and where we want to be.